Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Poll Finds Regular Worshipers More Supportive Of War In Iraq

This takes me back to when I turned 18 and had to register for the draft. The war in Vietnam was raging on. Some of my acquaintances had already been drafted. A couple had come back in coffins. No one was explaining in clear language what was so important about us traveling halfway around the world to kill communists for peace.

I was quite dismayed at the churches through all of this. They supported the killing. I could not grasp why, considering that one of the commandments specifically said "Thou shalt not kill." If all these famous evangelists were right about the virtues of fighting this war, in my mind it turned God into a major jerk.

I would later amend my views. I decided that God was fine and that organized religions had distorted, perverted, and otherwise trashed the God of Love. Much of my changing views on God came from my studies of near-death experiences and their implications. NDErs by the droves came back to say that we didn't understand God and that God and Jersus are pissed at what goes on in their name.

I just cannot grasp the total illogic that goes on when people can 1) get passionately excited about the so-called "right to life" and 2) support the so-called war on terror. How can you believe in the sanctity of life on one hand and be a war monger on the other hand?

Psst! Anybody see any weapons of mass destruction? (Not including all our nukes, I mean.)

It's just too clear that evangelical Christians who use their "faith in God" to explain so much have absolutely no faith in God to protect us from terror.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautifully written Joshua...I remember the days well...anomie and alienation, Sarte, Camus, God is Dead...war, violence, and flower power peace children...A psychic split. I had my first out of body experience while a senior going to school in Detroit in 1979. It shook my already shaking realities...

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautifully written Joshua...I remember some of the days well...anomie and alienation, Sarte, Camus, God is Dead...war, violence, and flower power peace children...A psychic split. I had my first out of body experience while a senior going to school in Detroit in 1979. It shook my already shaking realities...At the time I was attending the Newman Center services on Sundays at Wayne State University. I liked theyr concept of Jesus as a "Prince of Peace"...

4:58 PM  

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