Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Minding Your Media Diet

Here is an article from the New York Times on The Decline and Fall of Journalists on Film. It's about how we see more sleazeball journalists than heroes in this era's movies.

One of the major issues that strikes me in studying near-death experiences is how NDEs—and most inportant, the implications of NDEs—are rarely covered in the news. Since these events are so seldom covered, NDEs are not prominently placed in the media spotlight. Death is, but surviving death is not. As a result, this powerful window into an expanded view of reality just doesn't get much exposure. What we're left with is what we get—a steady stream of, well, life's shit.

While there's no metaphysical content in the NYT story, there is a subtext issue about how the news serves the people less and less.


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