Friday, April 29, 2005

Tim's NDE

I was so excited when I read this entry in Love Works Daily that I asked its author Tim Henry if I could add it to my blog. He said yes! (Yes is such a wonderful word to hear.)

If you’ve read my blog much, you know that I am intrigued by the life review process that many NDErs talk about. This NDE feature shows up repeated in Kenneth Ring’s excellent book, Lessons from the Light. It also appears in some of the talks that NDErs give at Seattle IANDS.

As Tim Henry’s account shows, the life review is a phenomenon that takes place out of time as we know it. While people are in the process of dying, they step out of physical world time and enter another place where they can have an amazingly minutiae-filled review of every second they spent on earth.

Some people suggest that they live every single second all over again. While they are doing this, they are also absorbing an incredible amount of data about the universe. Any question they want an answer to gets answered.

Here’s is Tim’s account in his own words:

Food For Thought:

For along time now I've had the strange ability to see a little bit into the future.

I refer to it as, seeing "one day ahead".

Sometimes it is a few moments ahead.

Sometimes it is months ahead.

I can predict certain things with uncanny precision.


The problem with it seem to be that I only get to see whatever time period has been provided to me...and nothing more.

For example, I may be able to see clearly what happens for a few months, and then after that I see nothing.

Or I may be able to see the result of something…like…someone falls down…but not see BEFORE it…to see WHY they fall down.

Sometimes I see only the result…sometimes only the cause.

It makes decision making regarding these "visions" very difficult, because I KNOW that I don't have all the facts, all the information.

There was a time that I did.

And this is all a true story…as Ripley (from the magazine…not from the Aliens movies) once said…"Believe it or not".

Once upon a time, I died.


Not for long…but I was electrocuted for a few seconds and I died.

I have never been the same person since, and many times I wish I was.

Before my daughter was born, and before I got divorced from my first wife, I was working in a restaurant as a cook in a fast paced short order kitchen.

The orders were stacking up, and Patti (that's my first wife) and I were running the restaurant alone. She was the waitress…I was the cook. Just the two of us.

I got in way too much of a hurry, and when I ran out of grated cheese for a taco salad. I grabbed a block of cheese, grabbed a wet rag to protect my hand, grabbed a big steel knife, and proceeded to cut right through the big block of cheese.

And right into a 220 Volt power cord.

The knife stuck into the cheese and the power cord…both hands on the blade of the big steel knife with a wet rag...and


For the next few seconds, I was toast. Heart stopped, end of story.

The next thing I knew, I was on the ground...and soon an ambulance had arrived.

Patti came to my aid and comforted me (much to the upset of the restaurant owner —"how dare I die and inconvenience his customers!!!"), and soon I was being checked out, and was physically much better.

I was never the same inside.

I started having panic attacks and nightmares. My fears and phobias got much worse. Over the course of the next several years, I just became a mess.

One morning in the early 1990's, I was remembering that incident and thinking…I was really, really angry.

Why was I so angry???

Was I angry at the burger shop owner….at Patti….at myself? Why was I so angry?

Then, while I was meditating (a practice I didn't begin until the 90s), it all came back to me….the entire experience.

I was pissed because it had ALL BEEN TAKEN AWAY.

I remembered the sensation of falling head first into a black hole. Falling and falling and falling.

And while I fell, a voice in my head kept asking...Is it all finished? Is there anything left to do? Do you have anything left to reconcile? Anything you regret?

I don't know where the voice was coming from...could have been my own brain…

But regardless, as I fell and fell and fell…I did a complete inventory of my life…each time with the questions following…

So…someone picked on you at school…is that over now? So…you took something that didn't belong to you…has it been repaid? So…you said something unkind to your mother…Did you apologize?

Well, it seemed like it took days...and the falling and the question were exhausting. (remember…the memory of it…and the experience of it…took seconds…but it seemed like eternities)

Finally….and I say finally…the questions stopped. I had come up with a reconciliation for each item as it passed before my eyes…questions were over.

And there was a long silence.

I thought to myself …Now What?

The voice answered…What do you want to do?


What do you want to do?

Well…I'd like to stop falling…(that one seemed obvious!)

NO, the voice answered, now that we are done, what would you REALLY like to do?.....

Ok...I guess if I am going to be doing this for a long time…I think I would like…to…


I opened my mouth to sing the first note...

And Kaboom…I was standing on the ground in the most colorful place I had ever seen.

I am colorblind, so the colors were breathtaking and overwhelmed me.

The sound that came out of my mouth was the most perfectly tuned harmonic chord of every possible note and variation and vibration.

When I looked around me, there were plants and animals and we could communicate without words.

I had a very nice dialogue with a frog who gave the advice, "Don't make it so difficult...Just Hop."

Another with an owl that put the words "Love Works" into my head.

Yet another with a tree that expressed deep sadness about how poorly plants and animals communicate…and that talking with a tree is as simple as talking with a person. It's simply the sharing of the electrical vibration within all living beings.

And revelation after revelation, I was realizing that I had access to ALL the answers. I had complete understanding of the universe. I had returned to the source from which all things
come….and to which all things go.

Complete. Absolute. Enlightenment.

For those few seconds, I stood there in that restaurant kitchen, in pure bliss, fully connected with every other atom in the universe.

And then…I hit the floor.

For years, I had forgotten those few seconds...because they contained so
Much...but now I remembered.

And I CLEARLY remember hitting that floor...and being scared...but being really, really angry.




I lost memory of almost everything that happened during the experience as soon as I hit the floor….and for a while…the event itself.

My heart started beating again normally. I was breathing. I was no longer connected with the entire universe any more.

I felt incredibly alone...and extremely lonely…and very, very angry.

In the years following my first recollection of the near-death experience, I have begun to remember more…little bits here and there. It's as though a part of my brain that wasn't working before is now turned on.

Sometimes, I can explain complete scientific concepts…that I have never read about or have any experience with. Sometimes, I can sense feelings and emotions hundreds of miles away. Sometimes, I see pictures in my head of things that haven't happened yet.

Sometimes, I have such clarity about how things works, and what is important, that
I can hardly stand myself.

Other times, I feel crazy as a loon.

I still feel alone sometimes...and sometimes very angry.

I don't know WHY I got that little peak into the ethers.

I do know that I can't wait to continue my journey, after this body has fulfilled it's usefulness.

But I am also, oh so happy to be ALIVE! We are here to do something, and as long as we are breathing, we have a purpose, and we have no right to interfere with it.

What EXACTLY that is…I can't actually tell you...

Or maybe...sometimes I can...

But then, of course, even if I could tell you.....

We'd just be getting...


Believe it...or not!


If I had just read Tim’s account and no one else’s, I might be suspicious of his sanity. Yet having read many accounts and hearing people at IANDS groups talking about their life reviews and the “reality” they experienced in other dimensions, I have arrived at a place where I tell science “prove it’s not so.”

I’ve heard echoes of just about every aspect of Tim’s NDE expressed by others, including the anger. This is especially true of those who have experienced intense injuries and a bunch of surgeries and whose life is filled with daily excruciating pain. Yet despite all that pain they are also grateful to be alive and especially grateful to know that there is so much out there waiting to be experienced.


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