Sunday, March 20, 2005

What Does Terri Schiavo Say?

Here's an interesting headline from the news: Judge's Life Threatened Over Right-to-Die Ruling.

It always intrigues me how people who claim to be pro-life often resort to assassination.

If you'd read my blog before, you know that one of my passions is listening to people talk about their near-death experiences. Some of my friends have died, clinically speaking, and were then revived. So I look at things differently than many people who are not influenced by such inside information as what it's like to pop out of the body and exist in other dimensions.

As the Terri Schiavo case rolls on, and politicians have their field day, I believe it is important to focus attention on the question of what may be going on for Terri herself.

How would you like it if you were standing or floating outside your body while all of this political wrestling was going on?

Thousands of people who died, albeit temporarily, while they were on operating tables talk at length during their NDE accounts about life away from their bodies. They knew instantly that their physical body was not in the wholisitc sense them, that they existed outside their bodies. Many of them reported thinking on variations of "I don't want anything to do with that body anymore."

I find it wildly ironic that many Christian pro-lifers think that by arguing for the feeding tube to be reinserted into Terri, they are somehow doing God's work. Keeping her body artificially alive may, in fact, be preventing Terri from being closer to God. Her spirit may be bound to her body through this exceptionally small cortex of life that still exists in it.

Some sources suggest that spirits have the freedom to ration their energy. That is, when you incarnate, you don't come in at 100% of all that you are. Maybe you come in at 50% (or any other percentage.) If that is so, than the physically comatose Schivao may be mostly out of her body already.

Another irony that I've commented on before is that we as a nation don't seem to feel that it is important to fund research to find out what happens during near-death experiences. We aren't interested in exploring the possibility of soul survival despite a mountain of anecdotal evidence and all the work being done by, among others, the International Association of Near-Death Studies.

Yet you betcha politicans will weigh in on the Schiavo case appealing to the voters at home. They're already jockeying for position for the 2006 elections. Maybe the real issue here is not to save a life as they claim. Maybe it's to save votes.


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